acceleratesfinancial inclusion


strengthenssmall producers

The mission of People Power Inclusion (PPI) is to create sustainable development opportunities for disadvantaged populations, particularly women and youth.
PPI’s vision is to fight global poverty by developing economic, social and environmental inclusion in a sustainable and equitable way. It supports the poorest to create the conditions for their financial independence while participating in the development of their communities.
In 2020, more than 2.8 billion people were living below the poverty line (i.e. with less than $2 a day). The complete eradication of poverty will only be possible if we unite to spread the inclusive economy principles , with the objective of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

• Young people aged 18-35 with little to no work experience, limited personal and social networks and no financial guarantees.
• Women with little to no financial autonomy, with limited self-confidence and independence and who do not have the network to develop their own business.
We mobilise experts to develop the economic autonomy of the most fragile populations, by acting through three components called “business lines”:
• Financial inclusion to finance one’s activity and protect one’s income
• Entrepreneurship to create and develop one’s activity
• Inclusive value chains to gain access to markets
Our projects around the world
Today, we are active in 3 regions of the world, namely West and Central Africa, North Africa and the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. With more than 80 staff in our offices in Paris, Dakar, Abidjan, Ouagadougou, Yaoundé, Cairo and Antananarivo, we are as close as possible to the realities of the field. Depending on needs and opportunities, we also carry out projects in other geographical areas.
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