Our projects around the world
At the heart of the State’s economic and social policies since the 1990s, the issue of employment, particularly youth employment, remains crucial and constitutes a major challenge for Senegal.
Today, almost 60% of the Senegalese population is under 20 years old. The problem of employment is all the more pressing as the working age population, which represents half of the active population, is growing at an average annual rate of 3.2%, i.e. 202,000 potential new job seekers per year. The youth unemployment rate is high in urban areas, reaching 31% in Dakar. Young women also seem to be more exposed, with an unemployment rate of 20% compared to 12% for men.
In this context, the promotion and support of young entrepreneurs is essential.
The goal of the project is strengthening the employability of the most vulnerable young people in Senegal through promoting entrepreneurship. Beyond job creation, it is a unique opportunity to integrate marginalised youth into economic and social life, to impart essential skills, to revitalise local communities, to improve the living conditions of young people and to catalyse the creativity and responsiveness of the economy to new trends and opportunities.
- Coaching and training activities are conducted with 40 young people, including 20 women.
- 15 trainers are trained to deliver financial education programs and Business Development training
- 3 business incubators and collective learning groups are supported