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Support to market access for small agricultural producers in the Far North region of Cameroon 

West and Central Africa

Support to market access for small agricultural producers in the Far North region of Cameroon 


Accès au marché

Project completed

Donors : World Food Programme

Duration : From July 2021 to February 2022

Budget : 79 416 752 XAF


As in many African countries, small-scale agricultural producers play an essential role in the family economy. For many years, small-scale farmers have been structuring themselves by setting up cooperatives or other types of associations. These producers’ organisations, with more or less limited means, try to support their members in strengthening their capacities through specific training, management advice and group marketing activities. The project contributes to the “Zero Hunger” strategy that the Cameroonian government is implementing by enhancing the skills of small producers in the North and Far North regions.


The project’s overall objective is to fight poverty and improve the living conditions of small producers in the North and Far North Regions of Cameroon, by offering them the financial services and skills necessary for the structuring and strengthening of their production and good market access.

PPI specifically aims to improve the capacities of organizations of small producers in organizational management and strengthen their ability to provide financial and non-financial services to their members; as well as to strengthen market access for small producers in the value chains of peanuts, rice and onions.


  • 12 trainers are trained to strengthen the capacities of 750 small producers in the areas of financial education and the management of an income-generating activity.
  • 1500 small producers are educated on entrepreneurial culture, financial education and business management.