Our projects around the world

The integration of young people into the labour market has been at the heart of employment policies in Senegal for several decades. Although they represent 56% of the Senegalese population, young people are mainly affected by the problem of unemployment and struggle to integrate into a saturated and unbalanced labour market.
To combat youth unemployment, the Senegalese government is increasingly seeking to promote self-employment and many initiatives are emerging in this sector.
The Jappale Ma project therefore intends to be part of this national strategy for the development of youth self-employment through the installation of an incubation system within 11 Vocational Training Centres in Dakar and Thiès as well as 1 within the youth association RESOPOPDEV, in order to enable 450 young people leaving vocational training to be individually accompanied and monitored in the development of their business creation project. Jappale Ma thus reinforces an existing initiative of the Ministry of Employment, Vocational Training and Handicrafts (MEFPA), which lacks technical and methodological capacity.
Strengthening the role of Senegalese civil society in the employment strategy of MEFPA through the self-employment of young women and men leaving vocational training structures.
- 450 young entrepreneurs are accompanied
- 2700 people are indirectly impacted by wealth creation
- 12 organisations are strengthened
- 10 000nyoung people enrolled in VET are made aware of self-employment